
RaMS2025 - the 1st Workshop on Raman Spectroscopies for Materials Science - April 15, 2025 Milano

RAMS - 1st Workshop on Ramam Spectroscopies for Materials Science

We are excited to announce RaMS2025, the 1st Workshop on Raman Spectroscopies for Materials Science. This event is open to anyone from senior researchers to PhD students. Experts in the field and whoever is curious about the manifold applications of the Raman techniques are welcome!

AMYC-BIOMED 2024 - The 5th edition for under-40 in the biomedical sciences


The multidisciplinary conference AMYC-BIOMED, Autumn Meeting for Young Chemists in Biomedical Sciences, dedicated to young researchers under 40 working in the field of biomedical sciences, has reached its fifth edition, and will be held from September 23rd to 25th, 2024, at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Rome Sapienza.

PLASMONICA International School on Plasmonics and Nano-optics

Plasmonica International School

The Plasmonica community, constituted as the SIOF working group “Plasmonics and Nano-Optics”, is pleased to announce the 4th edition of the International School on Plasmonics and Nano-optics, which will be held on June 3–7, 2024 in Como, Italy.

The event is co-sponsored and hosted by the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in the stunning setting of the Villa del Grumello, overlooking lake Como.
